What’s going on around the world?
The U.S. policy towards Cuba is changing. Initial details may be revealed before the April 17-19 summit meeting in Trinidad and Tobago, but as of yet that is merely a rumor. What is not a rumor, though, is that soon American citizens will find it much easier to travel to Cuba. I am very interested in how this will affect Cuba as we know it today. Any futurists out there willing to make some predictions?
Italy experienced a deadly earthquake. So far, more than 150 people have been reported dead, 15,000 buildings have been damaged, and 150,000 people are homeless. My prayers go out to everyone that has been affected. To all the rescue workers, fire fighters, police officers, etc. – stay strong.
China has reopened Tibet to foreign tourists. Yep, for the last two months, Tibet (and any ethnically Tibetan areas in China) have been closed. It has been said that China restricted access because of the culturally sensitive dates in February and March, like the Tibetan New Year and anniversary of Tibetan uprisings against Chinese rule. The Sino-Tibetan conflict is an issue that has flustered and interested me for many years, and I, like many others, hope to see a thriving Tibetan community, free enough for the exiled community in northern India to emigrate back home.
Obama traveled to Turkey. This is Obama’s first visit to a Muslim nation as president. “Let me say this as clearly as I can,” Obama spoke. “The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical … in rolling back the violent ideologies that people of all faiths reject.” Side note: Turkey is one of COOLEST countries I’ve ever been to. Visit – Istanbul – Now.
Tibet is open! Hooray! Since I’m living in China, I’m literally drooling at the opportunity to visit the roof of the world. Here’s hoping the “powers that be” don’t change their mind and close it off again. These sorts of political and “safety” decisions can be fickle and fleeting